condition mean min max Gametophyte 11.438846666666667 5.4496400000000005 15.540999999999999 Male Gametophyte 14.9816 14.6186 15.2989 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 17.9982 14.1284 21.3966 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 19.005033333333333 17.482 20.8916 Sporophyte 33.664 33.664 33.664 Seedling, sporophyte 20.645000000000003 19.6688 21.6212 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 21.292 19.4473 23.1367 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 18.623350000000002 18.4723 18.7744 Whole plant 34.29656666666666 33.3766 34.8413 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 31.37063333333333 29.0921 33.2138 Callus 16.6077 16.6077 16.6077 Differentiating Callus 15.865300000000001 14.1228 18.019000000000002 Proliferating Callus 15.764433333333335 13.6125 16.9085 Bulbil 2.98381 2.98381 2.98381 Leaf 12.25803641025641 0.47306000000000004 27.4106 Leaf (without leaf tip) 16.261 13.5178 17.9246 Leaf Tip 34.464933333333335 33.672 35.374 Root 4.09361 4.09361 4.09361 Root (without root tip) 16.409533333333332 15.0696 18.1049 Root Tip 17.927208333333333 8.36685 24.1541 Differentiated root 12.858133333333333 12.3167 13.7182 Shoot Apex 19.0203 19.0203 19.0203 Shoot 11.05996 9.063880000000001 13.2644 Shoot Tip 28.2899 27.9067 28.9316 Vegetative Frond 15.0369 15.0369 15.0369 Frond 16.39532037037037 9.86179 21.0456