condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.0358182 0.08847460000000001 1.9457400000000002 Male Gametophyte 0.9594353333333333 0.513223 1.46028 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 2.3000533333333335 1.8474099999999998 2.96957 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 2.71402 2.42044 3.18457 Sporophyte 3.20943 3.20943 3.20943 Seedling, sporophyte 2.6889250000000002 2.26074 3.11711 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 3.20792 3.10161 3.3142300000000002 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 1.579275 1.53799 1.62056 Whole plant 4.299513333333333 3.7727699999999995 4.9714599999999995 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 4.4917 4.4023 4.57826 Callus 0.79986 0.79986 0.79986 Differentiating Callus 1.6824733333333333 1.3577299999999999 2.0699 Proliferating Callus 1.5218800000000001 1.21023 1.7161400000000002 Bulbil 0.23177899999999999 0.23177899999999999 0.23177899999999999 Leaf 1.145736241025641 0.0 3.4128 Leaf (without leaf tip) 1.8891233333333333 1.8395099999999998 1.9714200000000002 Leaf Tip 3.611273333333333 3.2102 4.02642 Root 0.173701 0.173701 0.173701 Root (without root tip) 1.4000033333333333 1.26952 1.48686 Root Tip 2.081888833333333 0.9144040000000001 3.42955 Differentiated root 1.19244 1.11406 1.23191 Shoot Apex 1.86434 1.86434 1.86434 Shoot 1.4200433333333333 1.21674 1.6039299999999999 Shoot Tip 2.8561633333333334 2.72855 2.97566 Vegetative Frond 0.870067 0.870067 0.870067 Frond 1.3004131851851852 0.563846 2.13718