condition mean min max Gametophyte 120.9734 95.6822 155.009 Male Gametophyte 685.7723333333333 630.42 749.4910000000001 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 408.77555555555557 319.07599999999996 573.592 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 364.46866666666665 330.046 395.111 Sporophyte 286.518 286.518 286.518 Seedling, sporophyte 243.846 232.57 255.122 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 297.129 271.512 322.746 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 307.6255 295.097 320.154 Whole plant 165.10999999999999 154.029 174.41099999999997 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 165.84366666666668 155.41299999999998 179.44400000000002 Callus 401.67699999999996 401.67699999999996 401.67699999999996 Differentiating Callus 192.64000000000001 164.864 217.821 Proliferating Callus 209.548 183.187 234.426 Bulbil 72.2994 72.2994 72.2994 Leaf 298.4549887179487 0.0 1918.5 Leaf (without leaf tip) 517.0513333333333 504.327 532.36 Leaf Tip 278.12066666666664 266.868 286.587 Root 221.449 221.449 221.449 Root (without root tip) 597.5236666666667 580.068 620.795 Root Tip 273.5233333333333 134.836 402.42199999999997 Differentiated root 314.97066666666666 293.097 327.348 Shoot Apex 382.556 382.556 382.556 Shoot 131.40633333333332 123.28 147.501 Shoot Tip 382.8243333333333 364.772 393.89599999999996 Vegetative Frond 293.07599999999996 293.07599999999996 293.07599999999996 Frond 317.1034814814815 161.546 440.50699999999995