condition mean min max Gametophyte 13.734293333333333 5.21108 19.0345 Male Gametophyte 30.942899999999998 26.5614 33.8397 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 44.103766666666665 29.1151 57.1741 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 71.3541 68.3534 74.6402 Sporophyte 95.33 95.33 95.33 Seedling, sporophyte 46.32475 45.4577 47.1918 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 55.53595 54.441 56.6309 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 43.26235 38.678000000000004 47.8467 Whole plant 78.49566666666666 75.4644 80.8877 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 79.01993333333333 77.7644 79.8121 Callus 34.1248 34.1248 34.1248 Differentiating Callus 36.090466666666664 33.2496 40.4236 Proliferating Callus 34.53526666666667 33.1283 35.4729 Bulbil 5.17088 5.17088 5.17088 Leaf 34.92462641025641 2.2652900000000002 108.395 Leaf (without leaf tip) 42.66916666666667 39.7979 44.637 Leaf Tip 95.43346666666666 94.7162 96.2315 Root 7.144819999999999 7.144819999999999 7.144819999999999 Root (without root tip) 60.8914 54.3325 65.4121 Root Tip 42.54985 10.925999999999998 64.7708 Differentiated root 19.050433333333334 12.6277 23.3509 Shoot Apex 30.4737 30.4737 30.4737 Shoot 23.093466666666668 20.6609 27.7529 Shoot Tip 95.21726666666667 93.6906 96.0248 Vegetative Frond 29.8405 29.8405 29.8405 Frond 37.389185185185184 17.5606 51.2906