condition mean min max Gametophyte 3.3170183333333334 0.856405 5.41384 Male Gametophyte 5.892926666666667 4.381880000000001 7.23905 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 8.106942222222223 6.23882 8.94974 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 12.7791 12.0695 13.6732 Sporophyte 11.61 11.61 11.61 Seedling, sporophyte 8.19664 7.96776 8.42552 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 9.518080000000001 9.07275 9.963410000000001 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 5.280175 5.09477 5.46558 Whole plant 12.487333333333334 12.3801 12.5968 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 11.5946 10.9322 12.8782 Callus 5.42629 5.42629 5.42629 Differentiating Callus 3.9945766666666667 3.07681 4.63924 Proliferating Callus 4.535083333333334 4.319 4.80599 Bulbil 0.666099 0.666099 0.666099 Leaf 3.8167301025641027 0.131526 8.31451 Leaf (without leaf tip) 3.9400033333333333 3.4331400000000003 4.23687 Leaf Tip 11.2949 10.8141 11.6128 Root 1.01744 1.01744 1.01744 Root (without root tip) 3.64273 3.33835 4.21753 Root Tip 7.021016666666667 3.5555800000000004 9.66589 Differentiated root 2.8290433333333334 2.78723 2.91079 Shoot Apex 7.6845 7.6845 7.6845 Shoot 3.9188733333333334 3.83215 3.9645300000000003 Shoot Tip 10.4134 9.5826 11.6094 Vegetative Frond 4.2325800000000005 4.2325800000000005 4.2325800000000005 Frond 4.626426666666667 2.55899 7.08069