condition mean min max Gametophyte 542.4076666666667 423.31300000000005 665.546 Male Gametophyte 304.65700000000004 276.035 321.947 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 231.29822222222222 183.858 275.474 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 489.0083333333333 441.69 572.3240000000001 Sporophyte 813.2360000000001 813.2360000000001 813.2360000000001 Seedling, sporophyte 247.89 236.077 259.703 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 359.117 352.63 365.60400000000004 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 382.17400000000004 364.97900000000004 399.369 Whole plant 236.65633333333332 221.635 244.456 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 252.92899999999997 248.15099999999998 259.066 Callus 51.1991 51.1991 51.1991 Differentiating Callus 514.3826666666666 404.25699999999995 681.915 Proliferating Callus 429.10766666666666 370.38699999999994 540.097 Bulbil 234.987 234.987 234.987 Leaf 253.4145471794872 0.0 1037.4 Leaf (without leaf tip) 332.64633333333336 312.848 348.629 Leaf Tip 780.9026666666667 750.705 813.431 Root 965.65 965.65 965.65 Root (without root tip) 104.83126666666666 67.9468 135.65200000000002 Root Tip 368.7841666666667 287.723 439.089 Differentiated root 454.49133333333333 395.474 516.299 Shoot Apex 409.952 409.952 409.952 Shoot 437.391 381.457 471.473 Shoot Tip 549.8483333333334 537.113 562.271 Vegetative Frond 229.31599999999997 229.31599999999997 229.31599999999997 Frond 72.34567407407407 15.3985 260.075