condition mean min max Gametophyte 296.15833333333336 244.322 352.059 Male Gametophyte 332.99133333333333 325.875 342.851 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 624.5064444444445 540.415 785.1460000000001 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 250.98233333333332 235.918 260.20599999999996 Sporophyte 944.102 944.102 944.102 Seedling, sporophyte 567.955 562.455 573.455 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 599.4845 595.304 603.665 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 539.7090000000001 536.73 542.688 Whole plant 246.82466666666667 236.81 252.872 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 261.79499999999996 253.636 270.967 Callus 679.422 679.422 679.422 Differentiating Callus 915.8333333333334 716.0239999999999 1124.48 Proliferating Callus 916.1659999999999 672.548 1055.83 Bulbil 169.94400000000002 169.94400000000002 169.94400000000002 Leaf 334.2093205128205 15.0462 1171.2 Leaf (without leaf tip) 522.641 514.9 533.507 Leaf Tip 976.1486666666667 943.8660000000001 1015.5 Root 203.887 203.887 203.887 Root (without root tip) 571.821 551.075 583.87 Root Tip 786.3441666666666 627.502 945.758 Differentiated root 346.771 304.366 371.152 Shoot Apex 561.34 561.34 561.34 Shoot 240.74166666666665 221.59799999999998 252.33599999999998 Shoot Tip 1017.5766666666666 993.61 1034.33 Vegetative Frond 275.878 275.878 275.878 Frond 335.9708888888889 175.986 402.315