condition mean min max Gametophyte 11.427166666666666 10.0544 13.1394 Male Gametophyte 30.0512 29.4617 30.5895 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 51.04102222222222 45.4992 55.3495 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 16.825 14.3535 20.3676 Sporophyte 30.7369 30.7369 30.7369 Seedling, sporophyte 16.43165 15.2358 17.6275 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 22.223300000000002 21.8418 22.6048 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 17.816699999999997 17.8111 17.8223 Whole plant 48.261266666666664 45.4257 51.3155 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 54.2419 50.6274 57.9587 Callus 33.6657 33.6657 33.6657 Differentiating Callus 22.756733333333333 19.9089 25.5231 Proliferating Callus 20.772633333333335 18.6404 22.1826 Bulbil 9.70411 9.70411 9.70411 Leaf 35.30843712820513 0.971318 83.3643 Leaf (without leaf tip) 20.7686 18.7466 23.8858 Leaf Tip 31.50316666666667 28.2053 35.56 Root 19.867 19.867 19.867 Root (without root tip) 35.47683333333333 32.1847 40.7883 Root Tip 34.34003333333333 27.934 38.5623 Differentiated root 43.085499999999996 39.5601 45.278999999999996 Shoot Apex 44.0575 44.0575 44.0575 Shoot 23.418566666666667 20.8887 27.0651 Shoot Tip 32.653333333333336 31.0027 34.5207 Vegetative Frond 40.6986 40.6986 40.6986 Frond 34.4773962962963 19.2525 48.965