condition mean min max Gametophyte 29.128333333333334 19.5148 43.8792 Male Gametophyte 65.19976666666666 63.6984 66.1005 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 33.63144444444444 28.0551 37.4374 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 67.98623333333333 66.0986 71.4083 Sporophyte 46.8371 46.8371 46.8371 Seedling, sporophyte 69.17214999999999 68.0075 70.3368 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 81.08115000000001 78.8839 83.2784 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 107.345 101.229 113.461 Whole plant 52.39196666666667 47.8138 58.7499 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 49.60333333333333 47.568000000000005 51.3064 Callus 73.9496 73.9496 73.9496 Differentiating Callus 59.83566666666667 47.0472 77.6601 Proliferating Callus 81.90806666666667 71.5803 89.2754 Bulbil 19.0869 19.0869 19.0869 Leaf 48.251089743589745 10.4173 126.223 Leaf (without leaf tip) 76.03113333333333 73.6161 79.0394 Leaf Tip 47.93793333333333 46.2768 50.6888 Root 87.8771 87.8771 87.8771 Root (without root tip) 144.833 141.025 150.629 Root Tip 197.6275 124.71 241.304 Differentiated root 84.86053333333334 76.6712 94.6374 Shoot Apex 58.3015 58.3015 58.3015 Shoot 18.687866666666668 17.4386 20.7315 Shoot Tip 72.78523333333334 71.2279 74.8072 Vegetative Frond 97.7293 97.7293 97.7293 Frond 31.842488888888887 20.8253 46.4327