condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.0 0.0 0.0 Male Gametophyte 0.12782633333333332 0.100426 0.146198 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 0.6753771111111111 0.402411 1.13314 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 0.18012433333333333 0.13448 0.22302600000000003 Sporophyte 0.226268 0.226268 0.226268 Seedling, sporophyte 0.1355771 0.06395819999999999 0.207196 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 0.31759899999999996 0.300782 0.334416 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 0.1446695 0.135783 0.153556 Whole plant 0.25069 0.167498 0.34917800000000004 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 0.279673 0.21322800000000003 0.354934 Callus 0.172334 0.172334 0.172334 Differentiating Callus 0.3217103333333333 0.21929899999999997 0.421149 Proliferating Callus 0.22127 0.145991 0.32748499999999997 Bulbil 0.0 0.0 0.0 Leaf 0.04336062564102564 0.0 0.333206 Leaf (without leaf tip) 0.14492666666666668 0.106627 0.16639500000000002 Leaf Tip 0.31870166666666666 0.22632199999999997 0.49402700000000005 Root 0.0 0.0 0.0 Root (without root tip) 0.11955020000000001 0.0646056 0.15899100000000002 Root Tip 0.11115713333333332 0.0 0.190875 Differentiated root 0.03244503333333334 0.0 0.0705182 Shoot Apex 0.0 0.0 0.0 Shoot 0.08653393333333334 0.0489884 0.146521 Shoot Tip 0.29571800000000004 0.20968499999999998 0.35538400000000003 Vegetative Frond 0.123171 0.123171 0.123171 Frond 0.39389296296296294 0.10691300000000001 1.02962