condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.3315553333333334 0.658126 2.00598 Male Gametophyte 19.4358 16.8486 21.8806 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 10.508075555555555 7.51514 13.3635 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 4.58127 4.442 4.71941 Sporophyte 10.9222 10.9222 10.9222 Seedling, sporophyte 8.143875000000001 8.04354 8.24421 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 7.153165 7.1412 7.16513 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 11.941099999999999 11.6311 12.2511 Whole plant 10.9453 10.5606 11.286 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 11.077433333333333 10.9215 11.2543 Callus 9.29936 9.29936 9.29936 Differentiating Callus 13.546933333333333 12.705 14.7128 Proliferating Callus 16.223933333333335 13.1735 18.6035 Bulbil 2.48029 2.48029 2.48029 Leaf 10.373268102564102 0.336368 31.7579 Leaf (without leaf tip) 11.132866666666667 10.8989 11.5348 Leaf Tip 11.151833333333332 10.9248 11.4466 Root 4.80657 4.80657 4.80657 Root (without root tip) 9.06903 8.52458 9.55035 Root Tip 6.055115 3.7788199999999996 7.18088 Differentiated root 11.941733333333334 11.5095 12.2984 Shoot Apex 13.802 13.802 13.802 Shoot 14.027366666666666 11.7844 16.0037 Shoot Tip 9.662546666666668 9.02863 10.4293 Vegetative Frond 17.2071 17.2071 17.2071 Frond 16.283833333333334 11.53 21.4879