condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.6862373333333334 0.101171 1.28813 Male Gametophyte 13.934470000000001 5.35581 18.6067 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 24.208526000000003 0.25543899999999997 76.206 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 0.4566963333333333 0.118413 1.13228 Sporophyte 0.27525 0.27525 0.27525 Seedling, sporophyte 0.9023074999999999 0.573585 1.2310299999999998 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 1.82457 1.5200200000000001 2.12912 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 0.24103195 0.08236089999999999 0.39970300000000003 Whole plant 2.553393333333333 1.99815 3.2014099999999996 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 2.0954966666666666 1.19085 3.03983 Callus 0.13550299999999998 0.13550299999999998 0.13550299999999998 Differentiating Callus 0.230316 0.14248 0.405017 Proliferating Callus 0.09458466666666668 0.0 0.14536400000000002 Bulbil 23.7699 23.7699 23.7699 Leaf 10.38349344102564 0.0 147.416 Leaf (without leaf tip) 1.032518 0.751444 1.4303700000000001 Leaf Tip 0.275381 0.273518 0.277309 Root 43.0625 43.0625 43.0625 Root (without root tip) 21.809066666666666 10.6872 43.7078 Root Tip 26.84337 4.18351 63.4081 Differentiated root 42.08806666666667 32.5684 54.4622 Shoot Apex 5.40583 5.40583 5.40583 Shoot 41.0302 32.3114 51.9373 Shoot Tip 2.0880366666666665 1.8720599999999998 2.32815 Vegetative Frond 1.83066 1.83066 1.83066 Frond 22.637756192592594 0.0 87.8701