condition mean min max Gametophyte 179.57133333333334 131.97 227.18 Male Gametophyte 218.21533333333332 180.69099999999997 237.078 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 72.7825888888889 59.6028 106.301 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 170.64033333333333 162.938 174.597 Sporophyte 57.3233 57.3233 57.3233 Seedling, sporophyte 67.9126 67.8289 67.9963 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 60.65915 56.6998 64.6185 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 64.1799 63.2112 65.1486 Whole plant 165.75266666666667 162.045 173.12400000000002 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 148.909 143.564 155.607 Callus 48.5966 48.5966 48.5966 Differentiating Callus 99.35023333333334 80.4547 110.788 Proliferating Callus 119.41516666666666 99.0355 144.202 Bulbil 34.3748 34.3748 34.3748 Leaf 90.25425897435898 11.0153 332.476 Leaf (without leaf tip) 87.4818 79.9769 91.2851 Leaf Tip 59.12336666666667 57.336999999999996 62.3145 Root 66.9889 66.9889 66.9889 Root (without root tip) 113.58933333333334 109.95200000000001 117.385 Root Tip 151.79533333333333 114.684 218.775 Differentiated root 234.666 214.558 248.952 Shoot Apex 101.774 101.774 101.774 Shoot 84.09893333333333 73.0804 92.3677 Shoot Tip 63.01063333333333 60.2512 65.393 Vegetative Frond 390.276 390.276 390.276 Frond 170.3653074074074 55.6274 462.57099999999997