condition mean min max Gametophyte 9.678073333333334 4.84778 15.8399 Male Gametophyte 244.059 206.507 270.078 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 372.28444444444443 241.76 574.621 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 10.830013333333333 8.943539999999999 13.3939 Sporophyte 136.257 136.257 136.257 Seedling, sporophyte 86.22784999999999 85.5008 86.9549 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 118.04650000000001 107.385 128.708 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 321.584 318.436 324.732 Whole plant 668.428 657.4680000000001 687.862 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 715.5423333333334 700.7710000000001 730.666 Callus 3.02369 3.02369 3.02369 Differentiating Callus 132.77033333333333 66.719 220.704 Proliferating Callus 38.61806666666667 37.207 40.1193 Bulbil 87.5388 87.5388 87.5388 Leaf 479.4561736923077 0.17790699999999998 1405.52 Leaf (without leaf tip) 776.8666666666667 743.166 793.757 Leaf Tip 132.32833333333332 126.022 136.289 Root 52.2701 52.2701 52.2701 Root (without root tip) 24.725533333333335 22.1925 26.9156 Root Tip 77.47725 19.3783 139.512 Differentiated root 95.75456666666666 32.7103 165.195 Shoot Apex 317.28700000000003 317.28700000000003 317.28700000000003 Shoot 745.3256666666667 614.411 977.9960000000001 Shoot Tip 82.02156666666667 80.22 85.0562 Vegetative Frond 247.405 247.405 247.405 Frond 2736.487777777778 2125.96 3438.3