condition mean min max Gametophyte 139.64346666666668 78.1144 186.06900000000002 Male Gametophyte 123.582 115.961 135.875 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 120.45133333333334 104.12899999999999 135.238 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 280.315 273.889 286.08799999999997 Sporophyte 288.142 288.142 288.142 Seedling, sporophyte 211.091 196.283 225.899 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 239.2235 225.77599999999998 252.671 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 164.7335 156.686 172.78099999999998 Whole plant 155.51666666666668 150.461 162.15 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 134.28033333333335 130.291 137.441 Callus 134.944 134.944 134.944 Differentiating Callus 175.95866666666666 159.846 202.28900000000002 Proliferating Callus 169.23933333333335 146.471 188.408 Bulbil 23.0508 23.0508 23.0508 Leaf 77.50549205128205 0.0 254.544 Leaf (without leaf tip) 103.42333333333333 101.15299999999999 107.542 Leaf Tip 290.5876666666667 287.01599999999996 296.66200000000003 Root 36.5094 36.5094 36.5094 Root (without root tip) 142.48933333333332 138.3 145.815 Root Tip 148.5472 87.0802 179.831 Differentiated root 106.29633333333334 93.723 113.479 Shoot Apex 183.748 183.748 183.748 Shoot 65.7715 59.7165 72.4902 Shoot Tip 282.67066666666665 275.369 296.796 Vegetative Frond 107.759 107.759 107.759 Frond 94.95920370370371 52.3183 123.089