condition mean min max Gametophyte 9.80261 3.5499300000000003 14.7922 Male Gametophyte 9.076083333333333 8.649239999999999 9.73802 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 14.3116 11.4695 16.9647 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 33.0474 32.7255 33.5718 Sporophyte 17.1699 17.1699 17.1699 Seedling, sporophyte 6.118650000000001 5.29857 6.9387300000000005 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 9.484475 8.96815 10.0008 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 8.75994 8.20734 9.31254 Whole plant 10.105696666666667 9.37309 10.623 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 10.877433333333332 10.0605 11.5985 Callus 6.9733600000000004 6.9733600000000004 6.9733600000000004 Differentiating Callus 17.5715 14.6977 21.2855 Proliferating Callus 16.037166666666668 14.4381 18.0901 Bulbil 2.28417 2.28417 2.28417 Leaf 3.1712304923076924 0.0 12.8303 Leaf (without leaf tip) 2.2040366666666666 2.1421200000000002 2.2656 Leaf Tip 17.07893333333333 16.678 17.3848 Root 1.41249 1.41249 1.41249 Root (without root tip) 0.12495836666666667 0.07534810000000002 0.189392 Root Tip 12.8374 11.7813 14.1084 Differentiated root 0.8908016666666667 0.790502 0.9490290000000001 Shoot Apex 14.1415 14.1415 14.1415 Shoot 6.27266 5.32909 7.20402 Shoot Tip 21.3769 20.823 22.4545 Vegetative Frond 2.9790099999999997 2.9790099999999997 2.9790099999999997 Frond 0.20402416666666667 0.0 0.8794799999999999