condition mean min max Gametophyte 4.0756499999999996 1.6281299999999999 6.68147 Male Gametophyte 2.6840566666666668 1.9747400000000002 3.22817 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 6.135476666666667 4.066730000000001 8.788960000000001 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 7.30799 6.462940000000001 8.098460000000001 Sporophyte 17.047 17.047 17.047 Seedling, sporophyte 6.718125000000001 6.36345 7.0728 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 8.805969999999999 8.160969999999999 9.45097 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 8.806705000000001 7.251010000000001 10.3624 Whole plant 11.107403333333334 9.36721 12.2245 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 12.553533333333334 11.9621 13.424000000000001 Callus 19.13 19.13 19.13 Differentiating Callus 70.44736666666667 64.9812 80.0433 Proliferating Callus 55.08596666666667 53.7537 57.1682 Bulbil 3.42852 3.42852 3.42852 Leaf 5.288839551282051 0.0 16.0563 Leaf (without leaf tip) 3.6704033333333337 3.4812800000000004 3.77555 Leaf Tip 17.932000000000002 17.0511 19.3383 Root 4.09731 4.09731 4.09731 Root (without root tip) 6.2146566666666665 4.821619999999999 7.166119999999999 Root Tip 21.36915 13.0027 29.6457 Differentiated root 4.64118 4.12178 5.10504 Shoot Apex 13.0326 13.0326 13.0326 Shoot 2.2659566666666664 1.3416299999999999 2.7374099999999997 Shoot Tip 40.748599999999996 39.3184 43.2339 Vegetative Frond 7.16136 7.16136 7.16136 Frond 1.6871596296296296 1.0215299999999998 2.60819