condition mean min max Gametophyte 12.637976666666667 8.06283 17.0474 Male Gametophyte 43.986399999999996 41.0639 48.1156 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 41.636544444444446 36.5575 48.2313 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 17.513833333333334 16.4931 18.1811 Sporophyte 58.0086 58.0086 58.0086 Seedling, sporophyte 54.679100000000005 54.5039 54.8543 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 52.76075 52.7593 52.7622 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 43.78595 41.5381 46.0338 Whole plant 70.8769 64.9637 75.2841 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 73.72006666666667 71.7805 77.2521 Callus 23.9735 23.9735 23.9735 Differentiating Callus 38.742666666666665 33.2299 42.5432 Proliferating Callus 40.802099999999996 34.4745 45.1453 Bulbil 9.96087 9.96087 9.96087 Leaf 32.76275076923077 4.01845 81.6189 Leaf (without leaf tip) 46.028733333333335 43.2069 48.3879 Leaf Tip 57.77656666666667 57.1593 58.1479 Root 18.6157 18.6157 18.6157 Root (without root tip) 51.20876666666667 45.6101 54.9346 Root Tip 47.25533333333333 23.0549 62.3229 Differentiated root 48.3108 45.0835 50.2724 Shoot Apex 45.4685 45.4685 45.4685 Shoot 27.0075 24.5727 30.8062 Shoot Tip 49.68993333333333 48.8202 51.1523 Vegetative Frond 40.0048 40.0048 40.0048 Frond 46.46567777777778 26.9439 57.3062