condition mean min max Gametophyte 9.601313333333334 4.54884 12.7135 Male Gametophyte 3.43368 3.15915 3.9239800000000002 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 10.354704444444444 8.38408 12.3859 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 21.0919 20.8202 21.2548 Sporophyte 29.7823 29.7823 29.7823 Seedling, sporophyte 5.2909749999999995 5.092 5.48995 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 5.5333000000000006 5.510280000000001 5.5563199999999995 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 4.024139999999999 3.6527199999999995 4.39556 Whole plant 13.568466666666668 11.0985 15.1979 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 12.015066666666666 11.1016 12.6758 Callus 8.494769999999999 8.494769999999999 8.494769999999999 Differentiating Callus 20.4598 18.9506 22.0831 Proliferating Callus 16.582066666666666 13.860999999999999 18.4385 Bulbil 1.33598 1.33598 1.33598 Leaf 3.9503208410256407 0.0344215 17.9622 Leaf (without leaf tip) 3.8207466666666665 3.47935 4.16907 Leaf Tip 29.32186666666667 28.248 29.9282 Root 0.493729 0.493729 0.493729 Root (without root tip) 0.30421926666666665 0.0860528 0.44393599999999994 Root Tip 9.161976666666668 8.188130000000001 10.2284 Differentiated root 0.409342 0.247059 0.535535 Shoot Apex 16.1425 16.1425 16.1425 Shoot 3.547966666666667 2.71706 3.99836 Shoot Tip 18.3121 17.119 20.3667 Vegetative Frond 6.69188 6.69188 6.69188 Frond 0.16056537037037036 0.0 0.758862