condition	mean	min	max
Gametophyte	1.96206	1.57986	2.69462
Male Gametophyte	7.941933333333333	5.81732	9.1414
Hermaphrodite Gametophyte	3.793661111111111	1.3564200000000002	5.585380000000001
Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3	5.92419	5.5672	6.28794
Sporophyte	2.59844	2.59844	2.59844
Seedling, sporophyte	44.2007	42.0615	46.3399
Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment	23.33725	22.3105	24.364
Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment	33.87785	29.9978	37.7579
Whole plant	25.2687	24.1147	26.2828
Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin	20.6308	17.9355	22.495
Callus	8.99427	8.99427	8.99427
Differentiating Callus	29.730666666666668	24.6137	39.6108
Proliferating Callus	38.8425	24.1864	48.4937
Bulbil	11.8518	11.8518	11.8518
Leaf	24.795472564102564	1.3931200000000001	67.1348
Leaf (without leaf tip)	13.018766666666666	11.3188	15.9144
Leaf Tip	3.03226	2.5990599999999997	3.38899
Root	9.633339999999999	9.633339999999999	9.633339999999999
Root (without root tip)	108.26143333333333	71.8093	126.97200000000001
Root Tip	7.031653333333333	4.56905	9.56402
Differentiated root	40.6391	31.3729	50.667
Shoot Apex	4.17785	4.17785	4.17785
Shoot	5.598343333333333	4.69928	6.15117
Shoot Tip	5.542436666666667	5.071940000000001	5.9961400000000005
Vegetative Frond	47.3376	47.3376	47.3376
Frond	17.892982592592592	2.73717	130.51