condition mean min max Gametophyte 3.3066533333333332 2.3895299999999997 4.67413 Male Gametophyte 7.70624 4.342169999999999 9.83558 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 8.01962 2.68933 13.5681 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 5.129586666666667 3.34309 6.044230000000001 Sporophyte 35.9072 35.9072 35.9072 Seedling, sporophyte 15.4875 15.1004 15.8746 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 32.0988 28.1896 36.008 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 21.25405 20.7791 21.729 Whole plant 15.083499999999999 13.0513 16.9908 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 19.447233333333333 18.5584 20.4963 Callus 15.632 15.632 15.632 Differentiating Callus 22.177566666666667 18.9262 24.8583 Proliferating Callus 11.956333333333333 10.3879 13.8768 Bulbil 30.2024 30.2024 30.2024 Leaf 23.071789594871795 0.0 136.8 Leaf (without leaf tip) 8.902406666666666 8.0235 9.59147 Leaf Tip 34.01883333333333 32.5747 35.9157 Root 14.4254 14.4254 14.4254 Root (without root tip) 18.66444 7.290760000000001 39.9535 Root Tip 2.286935833333333 0.904435 3.40991 Differentiated root 23.46816666666667 15.0238 34.9981 Shoot Apex 3.4096599999999997 3.4096599999999997 3.4096599999999997 Shoot 2.77466 0.7236899999999999 5.63858 Shoot Tip 0.6103123333333333 0.348696 1.04831 Vegetative Frond 82.5238 82.5238 82.5238 Frond 6.086881851851852 1.33009 16.5441