condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.7204576666666667 0.629474 0.770817 Male Gametophyte 11.333496666666667 8.81351 15.2535 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 12.289977777777777 9.4985 15.5101 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 0.878703 0.673636 1.18303 Sporophyte 1.63925 1.63925 1.63925 Seedling, sporophyte 29.3411 29.0941 29.5881 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 28.59545 26.9191 30.2718 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 16.44525 16.1619 16.7286 Whole plant 37.61236666666667 35.5423 38.7765 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 39.0242 34.6121 42.4418 Callus 20.5144 20.5144 20.5144 Differentiating Callus 193.89166666666665 151.453 259.39799999999997 Proliferating Callus 261.3113333333333 194.922 311.046 Bulbil 31.2191 31.2191 31.2191 Leaf 33.385446333333334 0.31487600000000004 212.46099999999998 Leaf (without leaf tip) 20.029033333333334 19.1009 20.8085 Leaf Tip 1.8126866666666668 1.6396400000000002 1.91228 Root 23.3099 23.3099 23.3099 Root (without root tip) 139.615 103.304 160.305 Root Tip 36.8846 24.1714 50.2395 Differentiated root 136.44933333333333 128.332 150.835 Shoot Apex 10.1667 10.1667 10.1667 Shoot 13.762766666666666 12.9805 14.5271 Shoot Tip 7.03866 5.99106 8.08341 Vegetative Frond 57.5562 57.5562 57.5562 Frond 133.39432222222223 22.1706 360.67199999999997