condition mean min max Gametophyte 285.71566666666666 249.21099999999998 355.781 Male Gametophyte 668.3473333333334 611.803 744.8580000000001 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 1395.5633333333333 1059.1 1900.09 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 371.42966666666666 366.149 376.43800000000005 Sporophyte 406.465 406.465 406.465 Seedling, sporophyte 520.6815 507.06300000000005 534.3 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 463.682 434.605 492.759 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 578.6205 578.268 578.9730000000001 Whole plant 750.4426666666667 730.87 782.808 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 767.3196666666666 738.507 787.523 Callus 163.812 163.812 163.812 Differentiating Callus 127.66893333333333 98.1088 145.602 Proliferating Callus 100.7903 67.0089 125.546 Bulbil 110.387 110.387 110.387 Leaf 749.1267838461538 4.20637 1859.02 Leaf (without leaf tip) 886.946 860.587 920.826 Leaf Tip 393.3363333333333 378.32599999999996 406.361 Root 57.5602 57.5602 57.5602 Root (without root tip) 128.962 124.411 134.155 Root Tip 267.45483333333334 211.685 360.324 Differentiated root 397.4393333333333 347.33 438.306 Shoot Apex 788.935 788.935 788.935 Shoot 1569.8033333333333 1371.19 1852.58 Shoot Tip 230.6363333333333 223.25799999999998 237.426 Vegetative Frond 1087.67 1087.67 1087.67 Frond 1527.0707407407408 821.2330000000001 2957.11