condition mean min max Gametophyte 3.0965666666666665 2.11342 3.9023199999999996 Male Gametophyte 19.624833333333335 19.2066 19.9919 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 23.808844444444443 20.5084 26.3184 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 8.849403333333335 7.361910000000001 10.9266 Sporophyte 20.5808 20.5808 20.5808 Seedling, sporophyte 25.2254 23.6748 26.776 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 23.1539 22.6195 23.6883 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 28.07445 26.1224 30.0265 Whole plant 34.75063333333333 32.2419 38.6234 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 33.4001 32.0229 35.6991 Callus 20.6229 20.6229 20.6229 Differentiating Callus 20.09283333333333 19.5494 20.8159 Proliferating Callus 22.433533333333333 22.3042 22.5575 Bulbil 10.8511 10.8511 10.8511 Leaf 35.65075894871795 0.6530189999999999 109.344 Leaf (without leaf tip) 37.544200000000004 37.0009 38.0518 Leaf Tip 21.124233333333333 20.5857 21.7462 Root 14.6607 14.6607 14.6607 Root (without root tip) 58.559599999999996 50.347 64.0426 Root Tip 22.692249999999998 15.6452 28.4504 Differentiated root 71.41953333333333 67.6593 78.1915 Shoot Apex 44.6097 44.6097 44.6097 Shoot 28.281200000000002 23.3338 34.0679 Shoot Tip 22.1627 20.6205 23.5653 Vegetative Frond 48.1387 48.1387 48.1387 Frond 49.01383333333333 25.7395 60.6601