condition mean min max Gametophyte 6.014686666666667 3.5698300000000005 8.22607 Male Gametophyte 7.85996 7.52612 8.37856 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 11.48568888888889 9.7303 13.0732 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 11.1203 10.3038 11.6724 Sporophyte 11.2864 11.2864 11.2864 Seedling, sporophyte 3.9286 3.61311 4.24409 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 5.25867 4.8932 5.624140000000001 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 3.513095 3.05361 3.9725800000000002 Whole plant 8.511966666666668 7.997210000000001 8.859110000000001 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 8.663316666666667 8.30969 8.954 Callus 6.7770600000000005 6.7770600000000005 6.7770600000000005 Differentiating Callus 7.8607499999999995 6.03685 8.82813 Proliferating Callus 8.135869999999999 6.16147 10.5407 Bulbil 1.00248 1.00248 1.00248 Leaf 7.161692307692308 0.130776 83.5473 Leaf (without leaf tip) 4.0696666666666665 3.9076199999999996 4.2975 Leaf Tip 11.498766666666667 11.2891 11.7466 Root 0.72015 0.72015 0.72015 Root (without root tip) 0.5713083333333333 0.406433 0.760067 Root Tip 8.39082 6.88818 10.0273 Differentiated root 1.9054 1.42213 2.72538 Shoot Apex 9.31667 9.31667 9.31667 Shoot 3.25915 2.93739 3.6096 Shoot Tip 9.55879 9.32113 9.876510000000001 Vegetative Frond 3.2980400000000003 3.2980400000000003 3.2980400000000003 Frond 0.47423759259259257 0.10955899999999999 1.0560399999999999