condition mean min max Gametophyte 12.78231 6.129630000000001 17.6047 Male Gametophyte 34.10456666666666 31.4259 37.2265 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 43.67973333333333 39.6344 46.7417 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 46.5744 42.8611 48.5924 Sporophyte 27.4876 27.4876 27.4876 Seedling, sporophyte 21.64495 21.0408 22.2491 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 22.6263 21.2175 24.0351 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 21.26545 20.9938 21.5371 Whole plant 32.55846666666667 31.9406 32.9406 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 32.69 30.7959 36.3643 Callus 25.1271 25.1271 25.1271 Differentiating Callus 36.094166666666666 31.906 40.1649 Proliferating Callus 37.398666666666664 33.6309 42.2358 Bulbil 5.58672 5.58672 5.58672 Leaf 22.61843 2.40711 95.0612 Leaf (without leaf tip) 18.1791 17.8979 18.3556 Leaf Tip 27.45873333333333 27.405 27.4942 Root 6.07905 6.07905 6.07905 Root (without root tip) 27.5654 25.9008 28.7702 Root Tip 22.85355 19.9913 24.6255 Differentiated root 27.2353 25.4893 28.7921 Shoot Apex 27.2879 27.2879 27.2879 Shoot 17.093833333333336 12.1056 21.3504 Shoot Tip 26.171833333333332 25.1713 27.8195 Vegetative Frond 19.5908 19.5908 19.5908 Frond 39.29395925925926 18.0704 53.5275