condition mean min max Gametophyte 113.0992 97.0156 139.369 Male Gametophyte 206.165 193.915 214.537 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 504.29477777777777 366.315 628.533 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 73.0912 69.4506 77.7737 Sporophyte 440.8 440.8 440.8 Seedling, sporophyte 354.881 330.255 379.50699999999995 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 302.4545 297.649 307.26 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 330.00149999999996 319.52099999999996 340.48199999999997 Whole plant 259.5006666666667 245.146 275.222 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 257.0686666666667 244.489 267.71299999999997 Callus 49.4685 49.4685 49.4685 Differentiating Callus 37.27883333333333 21.9954 49.6156 Proliferating Callus 19.9651 10.8792 24.7653 Bulbil 56.5617 56.5617 56.5617 Leaf 421.827598974359 2.85241 1897.79 Leaf (without leaf tip) 795.2766666666666 790.3960000000001 799.6669999999999 Leaf Tip 445.7 440.906 450.62199999999996 Root 16.0497 16.0497 16.0497 Root (without root tip) 21.539033333333332 14.5147 26.8504 Root Tip 213.722 168.597 269.642 Differentiated root 99.16466666666668 59.2179 178.483 Shoot Apex 455.116 455.116 455.116 Shoot 1276.5433333333333 1175.86 1446.76 Shoot Tip 145.17266666666666 143.269 146.886 Vegetative Frond 598.7819999999999 598.7819999999999 598.7819999999999 Frond 503.95155555555556 252.30200000000002 1365.16