condition mean min max Gametophyte 3.81248 2.32444 5.28975 Male Gametophyte 14.295166666666667 12.2952 15.3274 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 20.06598888888889 17.8262 22.7371 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 9.536006666666667 8.42651 10.8362 Sporophyte 2.60818 2.60818 2.60818 Seedling, sporophyte 12.326999999999998 11.550999999999998 13.103 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 8.634754999999998 8.42372 8.84579 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 8.16487 8.01808 8.31166 Whole plant 12.176633333333333 11.2117 12.8286 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 14.616999999999999 14.0461 15.5561 Callus 3.21875 3.21875 3.21875 Differentiating Callus 4.518396666666667 4.13374 5.2047099999999995 Proliferating Callus 4.037886666666667 3.8262400000000003 4.15515 Bulbil 2.08592 2.08592 2.08592 Leaf 9.244608205128205 1.1405399999999999 31.5611 Leaf (without leaf tip) 6.545326666666667 5.8352699999999995 7.60815 Leaf Tip 2.6799366666666664 2.5197 2.91131 Root 3.12486 3.12486 3.12486 Root (without root tip) 13.376233333333333 12.7118 13.9544 Root Tip 5.46787 3.56281 6.27832 Differentiated root 12.805866666666667 11.259 13.7298 Shoot Apex 4.12124 4.12124 4.12124 Shoot 10.350653333333334 8.79618 13.0264 Shoot Tip 2.926066666666667 2.51595 3.19373 Vegetative Frond 6.044 6.044 6.044 Frond 22.013452592592593 9.97702 32.5744