condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.204568 0.0 0.32034 Male Gametophyte 1.9791966666666667 1.8536700000000002 2.22273 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 4.418403333333333 3.0545400000000003 6.55432 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 0.30676333333333333 0.0 0.516231 Sporophyte 1.69415 1.69415 1.69415 Seedling, sporophyte 0.5868119999999999 0.280335 0.8932889999999999 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 0.6569989999999999 0.524187 0.7898109999999999 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 0.4304205 0.410238 0.450603 Whole plant 6.622240000000001 5.54381 7.5309800000000005 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 7.3576033333333335 6.52271 8.22383 Callus 1.21774 1.21774 1.21774 Differentiating Callus 1.1768776666666667 0.981543 1.47725 Proliferating Callus 1.101914 0.757142 1.29236 Bulbil 0.13355799999999998 0.13355799999999998 0.13355799999999998 Leaf 1.2408363076923077 0.0 3.70384 Leaf (without leaf tip) 0.624654 0.386405 0.797058 Leaf Tip 1.1388676666666666 0.47436300000000003 1.6945599999999998 Root 0.28528600000000004 0.28528600000000004 0.28528600000000004 Root (without root tip) 0.8216703333333333 0.407121 1.6349 Root Tip 0.3493945 0.0 0.988317 Differentiated root 1.8709603333333336 0.937751 3.6182800000000004 Shoot Apex 0.373944 0.373944 0.373944 Shoot 1.5878966666666665 1.5183799999999998 1.67038 Shoot Tip 0.8265823333333333 0.612696 1.0745 Vegetative Frond 1.31649 1.31649 1.31649 Frond 1.4714027777777778 0.557751 2.83069