condition mean min max Gametophyte 2.4560866666666668 1.7005400000000002 3.93667 Male Gametophyte 38.91406666666666 37.629 39.6098 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 66.54127777777778 53.0393 74.1468 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 5.99432 5.53066 6.2773 Sporophyte 73.5505 73.5505 73.5505 Seedling, sporophyte 37.4794 34.9109 40.0479 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 25.70675 24.3356 27.0779 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 27.95715 27.9074 28.0069 Whole plant 53.345333333333336 50.2459 55.3113 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 50.26113333333333 47.5917 52.6787 Callus 84.9724 84.9724 84.9724 Differentiating Callus 167.79933333333335 145.931 182.933 Proliferating Callus 148.50033333333334 121.31700000000001 181.373 Bulbil 18.6134 18.6134 18.6134 Leaf 47.72969717948718 1.20343 256.28700000000003 Leaf (without leaf tip) 18.4103 16.3184 20.1284 Leaf Tip 70.36616666666667 66.093 73.5681 Root 18.7992 18.7992 18.7992 Root (without root tip) 50.23923333333333 33.6845 58.6226 Root Tip 91.5604 45.4033 129.93200000000002 Differentiated root 33.403666666666666 27.8309 43.5422 Shoot Apex 56.1135 56.1135 56.1135 Shoot 16.284333333333333 15.3784 16.8497 Shoot Tip 99.43943333333334 93.2833 105.46600000000001 Vegetative Frond 215.293 215.293 215.293 Frond 14.713107407407408 10.1789 25.8831