condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.8282576666666666 0.372085 1.2920399999999999 Male Gametophyte 137.254 126.59 143.127 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 110.15064444444444 91.8846 129.031 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 2.8354533333333336 2.24629 3.1821 Sporophyte 2.19333 2.19333 2.19333 Seedling, sporophyte 15.529 11.4696 19.5884 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 18.78275 16.7572 20.8083 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 15.2301 14.4062 16.054000000000002 Whole plant 39.514833333333335 29.8013 45.02 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 28.230766666666668 19.3121 35.2455 Callus 93.579 93.579 93.579 Differentiating Callus 14.622833333333334 10.8806 20.8394 Proliferating Callus 22.433166666666665 16.7048 25.7559 Bulbil 0.7182430000000001 0.7182430000000001 0.7182430000000001 Leaf 3.2493115025641024 0.0 20.8641 Leaf (without leaf tip) 16.067433333333334 15.6148 16.4963 Leaf Tip 1.9118533333333334 1.5298200000000002 2.19386 Root 1.02271 1.02271 1.02271 Root (without root tip) 19.967833333333335 17.8929 23.7968 Root Tip 58.66837666666667 8.13606 103.37700000000001 Differentiated root 30.308366666666668 24.2464 38.0931 Shoot Apex 2.10015 2.10015 2.10015 Shoot 7.464773333333333 5.744619999999999 10.6504 Shoot Tip 7.7897533333333335 6.12519 10.1636 Vegetative Frond 1.61001 1.61001 1.61001 Frond 11.653171111111112 2.76079 34.3131