condition	mean	min	max
Gametophyte	4.07176	2.6118900000000003	5.78751
Male Gametophyte	9.68526	8.70139	11.014000000000001
Hermaphrodite Gametophyte	9.586784444444444	7.41875	12.4879
Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3	4.333466666666666	3.1057	5.89051
Sporophyte	6.92108	6.92108	6.92108
Seedling, sporophyte	5.386015	5.33689	5.4351400000000005
Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment	7.005475000000001	6.58972	7.42123
Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment	7.180125	6.862010000000001	7.498239999999999
Whole plant	11.747666666666667	11.222000000000001	12.47
Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin	11.3177	10.2089	13.325
Callus	2.46727	2.46727	2.46727
Differentiating Callus	7.944920000000001	6.7165300000000006	8.77936
Proliferating Callus	6.296383333333333	5.06348	7.01955
Bulbil	1.19741	1.19741	1.19741
Leaf	12.126319974358974	0.0	60.5504
Leaf (without leaf tip)	10.33629	8.90447	11.8185
Leaf Tip	7.640233333333334	6.922739999999999	8.06333
Root	0.465	0.465	0.465
Root (without root tip)	4.685726666666667	4.08456	5.68621
Root Tip	2.609583333333333	1.6999099999999998	2.96106
Differentiated root	7.6278033333333335	7.203760000000001	8.207930000000001
Shoot Apex	9.803469999999999	9.803469999999999	9.803469999999999
Shoot	4.7511833333333335	3.61913	5.52411
Shoot Tip	9.234546666666667	7.8840699999999995	10.0369
Vegetative Frond	17.8053	17.8053	17.8053
Frond	4.264694814814815	2.57792	5.85245