condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.5071856666666668 0.674377 2.27482 Male Gametophyte 12.118066666666667 11.1042 13.2335 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 14.964233333333334 11.4098 19.9193 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 3.6035600000000003 3.13468 4.297630000000001 Sporophyte 16.1457 16.1457 16.1457 Seedling, sporophyte 12.1967 11.2223 13.1711 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 11.16065 11.0487 11.2726 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 8.081154999999999 8.07805 8.08426 Whole plant 14.598133333333333 14.0264 15.636 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 19.275566666666666 18.6509 20.3498 Callus 9.84512 9.84512 9.84512 Differentiating Callus 21.499133333333333 18.7181 24.3968 Proliferating Callus 23.9932 22.5628 25.5117 Bulbil 3.44835 3.44835 3.44835 Leaf 11.489919858974359 0.033519099999999996 34.4862 Leaf (without leaf tip) 12.156633333333334 11.922 12.4825 Leaf Tip 16.881966666666667 16.1495 17.3931 Root 6.54432 6.54432 6.54432 Root (without root tip) 17.0272 16.3291 17.5299 Root Tip 9.42772 7.766380000000001 10.9884 Differentiated root 13.299546666666666 8.33344 17.256 Shoot Apex 11.4989 11.4989 11.4989 Shoot 6.531180000000001 4.357080000000001 8.29216 Shoot Tip 14.711333333333334 13.984000000000002 15.1587 Vegetative Frond 15.3253 15.3253 15.3253 Frond 15.325397407407408 5.18214 25.5741