condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.7770320000000002 0.43815600000000005 2.75312 Male Gametophyte 3.794703333333333 3.32071 4.1419999999999995 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 6.5651488888888885 4.2049 7.594310000000001 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 4.603846666666667 3.65832 5.2447099999999995 Sporophyte 12.545 12.545 12.545 Seedling, sporophyte 5.098395 4.41744 5.77935 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 5.506489999999999 4.90025 6.11273 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 7.110695 6.57799 7.6434 Whole plant 4.8369333333333335 4.46211 5.04755 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 4.301116666666667 3.9704 4.91421 Callus 5.4492400000000005 5.4492400000000005 5.4492400000000005 Differentiating Callus 17.353733333333334 14.644 21.55 Proliferating Callus 16.539833333333334 15.583 17.1286 Bulbil 2.14035 2.14035 2.14035 Leaf 4.426257453846154 0.0 32.3849 Leaf (without leaf tip) 4.31311 3.5538800000000004 4.75244 Leaf Tip 13.194733333333334 12.548 13.6111 Root 2.08912 2.08912 2.08912 Root (without root tip) 1.76569 1.6506599999999998 1.8932099999999998 Root Tip 4.760258333333333 3.19323 6.36291 Differentiated root 1.2426666666666668 0.6272300000000001 2.1246400000000003 Shoot Apex 6.40645 6.40645 6.40645 Shoot 2.032233333333333 1.73197 2.19656 Shoot Tip 10.87069 9.59677 11.6341 Vegetative Frond 10.0458 10.0458 10.0458 Frond 0.3404187962962963 0.0 1.51375