condition mean min max Gametophyte 5.825113333333333 4.79648 7.582960000000001 Male Gametophyte 39.640433333333334 37.5142 42.9294 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 27.222033333333332 23.5276 30.7926 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 9.132266666666666 8.28397 9.80234 Sporophyte 1.43226 1.43226 1.43226 Seedling, sporophyte 5.333875 5.31433 5.35342 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 5.148095 5.12091 5.17528 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 8.568615 7.523689999999999 9.613539999999999 Whole plant 18.561533333333333 16.8265 19.6919 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 19.320833333333333 18.4866 20.2602 Callus 1.52769 1.52769 1.52769 Differentiating Callus 1.558374 0.7025020000000001 2.73696 Proliferating Callus 2.3626266666666664 1.9330200000000002 2.8345 Bulbil 1.30655 1.30655 1.30655 Leaf 7.139277846153846 0.338801 23.8374 Leaf (without leaf tip) 6.444443333333334 5.93487 7.3160300000000005 Leaf Tip 1.0803053333333335 0.632556 1.4326 Root 9.64655 9.64655 9.64655 Root (without root tip) 14.741133333333334 14.1536 15.6522 Root Tip 12.69376 7.204160000000001 15.6212 Differentiated root 31.2474 30.1539 33.2298 Shoot Apex 5.06238 5.06238 5.06238 Shoot 6.137016666666667 4.93752 6.99943 Shoot Tip 1.4832666666666667 1.1339 2.12263 Vegetative Frond 7.36297 7.36297 7.36297 Frond 13.535577407407407 9.34489 19.9503