condition mean min max Gametophyte 3.9354666666666667 2.77284 4.800269999999999 Male Gametophyte 29.2767 19.8014 42.0397 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 17.973545555555557 9.81131 31.8262 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 8.235583333333334 7.28355 9.6645 Sporophyte 1.24379 1.24379 1.24379 Seedling, sporophyte 30.5775 22.5866 38.5684 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 44.267849999999996 42.5472 45.9885 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 20.081049999999998 19.5066 20.6555 Whole plant 35.45473333333333 35.0906 36.0408 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 37.76903333333333 33.2655 42.6484 Callus 24.4922 24.4922 24.4922 Differentiating Callus 178.873 150.075 226.229 Proliferating Callus 227.05200000000002 155.67700000000002 272.341 Bulbil 26.6636 26.6636 26.6636 Leaf 14.060797615384615 0.176278 79.6635 Leaf (without leaf tip) 3.08517 2.85155 3.38565 Leaf Tip 1.7269400000000001 1.24409 2.26594 Root 35.1841 35.1841 35.1841 Root (without root tip) 332.3176666666667 278.35200000000003 359.88 Root Tip 18.42845833333333 6.06545 27.7657 Differentiated root 97.58113333333333 59.5684 129.54399999999998 Shoot Apex 1.54824 1.54824 1.54824 Shoot 2.9879766666666665 2.39912 3.6855800000000003 Shoot Tip 28.169566666666668 26.1839 30.9542 Vegetative Frond 86.6798 86.6798 86.6798 Frond 94.99816925925926 9.99997 433.566