condition mean min max Gametophyte 8.202546666666667 5.41916 10.4542 Male Gametophyte 19.1422 16.5454 20.7303 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 28.401222222222223 24.8565 33.5419 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 14.072 13.4777 14.7997 Sporophyte 44.7348 44.7348 44.7348 Seedling, sporophyte 44.0954 42.5405 45.6503 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 45.784099999999995 43.3769 48.1913 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 50.70915 50.1758 51.2425 Whole plant 61.68263333333333 58.5044 64.5606 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 60.5014 58.1369 65.0996 Callus 6.6998 6.6998 6.6998 Differentiating Callus 14.484366666666666 12.6088 17.9289 Proliferating Callus 14.368733333333333 13.6851 15.6453 Bulbil 1.9542 1.9542 1.9542 Leaf 19.515513846153844 0.0 55.4899 Leaf (without leaf tip) 47.93273333333333 45.9843 49.394 Leaf Tip 48.576366666666665 44.7454 51.09 Root 1.8005099999999998 1.8005099999999998 1.8005099999999998 Root (without root tip) 7.884163333333334 6.46645 9.179730000000001 Root Tip 13.959386666666667 8.25762 19.2426 Differentiated root 13.354343333333333 9.28683 19.0182 Shoot Apex 28.4436 28.4436 28.4436 Shoot 35.26263333333333 31.0668 43.619 Shoot Tip 28.426933333333334 25.0887 30.1951 Vegetative Frond 26.5643 26.5643 26.5643 Frond 15.554567037037037 8.40446 37.6715