condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.6702553333333333 0.12206900000000001 1.03614 Male Gametophyte 9.426113333333333 5.38154 12.6162 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 9.021471111111111 7.55098 10.7385 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 1.5562833333333335 1.2965200000000001 1.90497 Sporophyte 10.1108 10.1108 10.1108 Seedling, sporophyte 20.00385 19.0483 20.9594 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 30.1811 29.3542 31.008000000000003 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 23.25225 21.2659 25.2386 Whole plant 16.772633333333335 16.346 17.2783 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 17.8006 17.0243 18.2652 Callus 6.78493 6.78493 6.78493 Differentiating Callus 17.813533333333332 14.5518 22.3853 Proliferating Callus 20.155533333333334 19.5268 20.8163 Bulbil 3.7028 3.7028 3.7028 Leaf 11.255743333333333 0.106178 91.7248 Leaf (without leaf tip) 8.663406666666667 7.85083 9.3414 Leaf Tip 9.722093333333333 9.387139999999999 10.1132 Root 5.2245099999999995 5.2245099999999995 5.2245099999999995 Root (without root tip) 38.413866666666664 31.0863 44.6757 Root Tip 5.40823 2.74005 8.06155 Differentiated root 22.9277 18.5747 26.8209 Shoot Apex 6.8899300000000006 6.8899300000000006 6.8899300000000006 Shoot 3.34027 2.39178 4.42591 Shoot Tip 8.094543333333334 7.23872 9.35772 Vegetative Frond 68.473 68.473 68.473 Frond 6.0447355555555555 1.8933099999999998 13.3463