condition mean min max Gametophyte 103.83526666666667 80.8348 125.696 Male Gametophyte 172.84 157.899 190.53799999999998 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 158.92355555555557 136.784 195.74099999999999 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 180.42766666666665 155.296 203.364 Sporophyte 184.655 184.655 184.655 Seedling, sporophyte 110.0437 89.4194 130.668 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 128.9595 127.654 130.265 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 118.12299999999999 105.113 131.13299999999998 Whole plant 92.52683333333333 84.2445 99.1143 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 100.2053 91.6428 111.169 Callus 182.41299999999998 182.41299999999998 182.41299999999998 Differentiating Callus 209.66133333333335 143.71200000000002 272.73400000000004 Proliferating Callus 238.03 123.819 305.56 Bulbil 75.1149 75.1149 75.1149 Leaf 201.7299558974359 1.8067799999999998 501.077 Leaf (without leaf tip) 123.93366666666667 119.88799999999999 127.191 Leaf Tip 181.19000000000003 176.96900000000002 184.699 Root 127.211 127.211 127.211 Root (without root tip) 145.18466666666666 133.254 156.305 Root Tip 201.10483333333332 171.53400000000002 263.218 Differentiated root 208.73666666666668 202.525 215.021 Shoot Apex 180.477 180.477 180.477 Shoot 156.447 148.184 169.238 Shoot Tip 157.15533333333335 144.328 163.743 Vegetative Frond 205.755 205.755 205.755 Frond 183.92725925925927 106.11 243.05