condition mean min max Gametophyte 6.114263333333334 2.7107900000000003 7.952380000000001 Male Gametophyte 11.747366666666666 10.7904 13.0459 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 29.616 24.5391 35.7378 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 10.6565 10.3144 11.0427 Sporophyte 8.09564 8.09564 8.09564 Seedling, sporophyte 12.7481 12.3783 13.1179 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 16.633499999999998 15.9165 17.3505 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 9.65765 9.2325 10.0828 Whole plant 27.896333333333335 25.5176 29.3881 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 28.875833333333333 26.7217 30.9987 Callus 6.97967 6.97967 6.97967 Differentiating Callus 7.628516666666666 7.02457 8.35736 Proliferating Callus 7.796373333333333 7.06095 8.5285 Bulbil 2.1137 2.1137 2.1137 Leaf 8.410130871794872 0.6531939999999999 20.8672 Leaf (without leaf tip) 14.882233333333334 13.5266 15.6214 Leaf Tip 8.279476666666666 7.60106 9.1398 Root 4.55128 4.55128 4.55128 Root (without root tip) 12.952933333333334 12.0531 14.5003 Root Tip 11.614618333333333 8.69481 13.8328 Differentiated root 20.256899999999998 19.6513 20.6684 Shoot Apex 14.4915 14.4915 14.4915 Shoot 15.120366666666667 13.2 17.7102 Shoot Tip 9.687043333333333 9.06016 10.1348 Vegetative Frond 7.5746 7.5746 7.5746 Frond 9.785988518518518 7.290439999999999 12.4276