condition mean min max Gametophyte 4.28245 2.1980299999999997 6.37181 Male Gametophyte 6.9699366666666664 6.859389999999999 7.05017 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 9.032653333333334 6.3252 10.547 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 6.016853333333334 4.60222 7.49745 Sporophyte 2.2278599999999997 2.2278599999999997 2.2278599999999997 Seedling, sporophyte 8.27956 7.9587 8.60042 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 7.04288 6.63925 7.446510000000001 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 5.827870000000001 4.39303 7.26271 Whole plant 13.208033333333333 11.2183 14.6389 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 11.703100000000001 10.2384 12.6897 Callus 1.55854 1.55854 1.55854 Differentiating Callus 0.30071 0.172536 0.546265 Proliferating Callus 0.35916566666666666 0.184278 0.707445 Bulbil 0.606129 0.606129 0.606129 Leaf 5.14212968974359 0.0 23.6185 Leaf (without leaf tip) 10.507803333333333 9.892710000000001 11.3107 Leaf Tip 2.7775133333333333 2.22839 3.3077199999999998 Root 0.761534 0.761534 0.761534 Root (without root tip) 3.37916 2.7076700000000002 3.72495 Root Tip 2.373908666666667 0.556792 3.8048800000000003 Differentiated root 4.623653333333333 3.88864 5.16651 Shoot Apex 4.086790000000001 4.086790000000001 4.086790000000001 Shoot 3.8693966666666664 3.08416 5.090409999999999 Shoot Tip 3.2780633333333333 2.52296 4.46304 Vegetative Frond 10.7824 10.7824 10.7824 Frond 3.7494055555555557 2.03609 6.37311