condition mean min max Gametophyte 7.174833333333333 4.80549 10.0878 Male Gametophyte 133.57966666666667 113.178 146.172 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 322.1651111111111 261.238 367.506 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 7.098193333333334 5.98733 8.59947 Sporophyte 7.3882699999999994 7.3882699999999994 7.3882699999999994 Seedling, sporophyte 3.455395 3.3759099999999997 3.5348800000000002 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 3.177975 2.76746 3.58849 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 7.045095 5.83849 8.2517 Whole plant 22.721233333333334 19.7302 26.1085 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 25.3175 22.6654 26.8626 Callus 91.4157 91.4157 91.4157 Differentiating Callus 17.2565 14.5375 21.2226 Proliferating Callus 30.954 21.6025 47.1677 Bulbil 2.82131 2.82131 2.82131 Leaf 9.261439615384615 0.0 44.3063 Leaf (without leaf tip) 3.9423766666666666 3.67444 4.33312 Leaf Tip 7.761333333333333 7.35699 8.53697 Root 21.0535 21.0535 21.0535 Root (without root tip) 76.2253 60.6908 85.8068 Root Tip 61.52876666666667 17.2091 101.75200000000001 Differentiated root 69.4379 45.7432 87.2276 Shoot Apex 6.7727699999999995 6.7727699999999995 6.7727699999999995 Shoot 7.8439966666666665 6.861089999999999 8.44565 Shoot Tip 14.2972 13.8638 14.857999999999999 Vegetative Frond 5.73865 5.73865 5.73865 Frond 29.520412222222223 4.8447 54.2016