condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.3527476666666666 0.26605999999999996 0.5026649999999999 Male Gametophyte 1.7864266666666666 1.53595 2.03193 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 4.133565555555555 3.21562 5.11688 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 0.518789 0.398617 0.67772 Sporophyte 2.40678 2.40678 2.40678 Seedling, sporophyte 2.91418 2.46212 3.3662400000000003 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 2.952835 2.89986 3.00581 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 2.534855 2.5164 2.5533099999999997 Whole plant 4.99705 4.77771 5.1549 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 4.989593333333333 4.59057 5.36975 Callus 1.4218 1.4218 1.4218 Differentiating Callus 1.3589643333333334 0.9578530000000001 1.7668400000000002 Proliferating Callus 1.6404503333333333 0.894041 2.77323 Bulbil 0.33265700000000004 0.33265700000000004 0.33265700000000004 Leaf 2.2835530512820514 0.12331099999999999 11.3649 Leaf (without leaf tip) 4.214090000000001 3.5043300000000004 4.844040000000001 Leaf Tip 2.3783399999999997 2.2925299999999997 2.43513 Root 0.6252479999999999 0.6252479999999999 0.6252479999999999 Root (without root tip) 2.5489566666666668 1.98357 3.2436700000000003 Root Tip 2.8305783333333334 1.08053 4.11532 Differentiated root 2.0660766666666666 1.88123 2.2564599999999997 Shoot Apex 5.08395 5.08395 5.08395 Shoot 2.55455 1.9221400000000002 2.88701 Shoot Tip 3.3424 2.9531 3.63016 Vegetative Frond 3.7962 3.7962 3.7962 Frond 2.05631 1.2289700000000001 2.88397