condition mean min max Gametophyte 4.411453333333333 3.0943400000000003 5.96937 Male Gametophyte 6.082526666666666 5.37756 6.6474899999999995 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 11.191044444444444 10.3266 11.952 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 5.399426666666667 5.045 5.68049 Sporophyte 11.5366 11.5366 11.5366 Seedling, sporophyte 6.21505 5.624969999999999 6.80513 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 7.092855 6.31346 7.87225 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 5.821 5.59633 6.045669999999999 Whole plant 16.922933333333333 15.2313 18.6849 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 17.196833333333334 16.5287 17.6593 Callus 8.15062 8.15062 8.15062 Differentiating Callus 13.274366666666667 11.837 14.2349 Proliferating Callus 15.496133333333333 14.203 17.3888 Bulbil 1.66867 1.66867 1.66867 Leaf 4.906351692307692 0.274575 8.99155 Leaf (without leaf tip) 4.71714 4.59662 4.92264 Leaf Tip 11.290166666666666 10.7433 11.5879 Root 5.07606 5.07606 5.07606 Root (without root tip) 5.07572 4.5974699999999995 5.72297 Root Tip 13.928216666666668 10.2367 18.176 Differentiated root 9.73654 8.19205 11.5197 Shoot Apex 8.02112 8.02112 8.02112 Shoot 7.069706666666667 5.51122 8.58917 Shoot Tip 11.39243 9.92029 12.442 Vegetative Frond 7.4655 7.4655 7.4655 Frond 4.0637566666666665 2.42342 6.39396