condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.7811946666666667 0.5956319999999999 0.937768 Male Gametophyte 23.424500000000002 18.1722 26.1075 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 11.344098888888889 5.36776 17.9745 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 0.7664796666666667 0.0 1.34331 Sporophyte 3.6737 3.6737 3.6737 Seedling, sporophyte 56.14875000000001 54.901 57.3965 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 55.9165 55.2265 56.6065 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 88.20320000000001 84.289 92.1174 Whole plant 122.922 117.71 132.374 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 110.60799999999999 100.37799999999999 125.96799999999999 Callus 16.8193 16.8193 16.8193 Differentiating Callus 240.57466666666667 187.03599999999997 328.92900000000003 Proliferating Callus 302.586 244.458 381.439 Bulbil 21.2246 21.2246 21.2246 Leaf 42.40480771794872 0.0 299.305 Leaf (without leaf tip) 174.76766666666666 169.571 180.44400000000002 Leaf Tip 6.12941 3.67458 8.14259 Root 12.5129 12.5129 12.5129 Root (without root tip) 123.68333333333332 113.73899999999999 135.851 Root Tip 3.6998233333333332 1.37772 6.51369 Differentiated root 50.4328 49.3129 51.748000000000005 Shoot Apex 22.763 22.763 22.763 Shoot 12.536166666666666 10.3071 15.1121 Shoot Tip 19.821466666666666 18.6836 20.7027 Vegetative Frond 22.3088 22.3088 22.3088 Frond 100.5905 26.2914 141.253