condition mean min max Gametophyte 6.97192 3.84688 9.01952 Male Gametophyte 44.776633333333336 40.2355 48.835 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 25.55341111111111 15.7696 36.8492 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 15.050466666666667 12.6416 16.6203 Sporophyte 110.65299999999999 110.65299999999999 110.65299999999999 Seedling, sporophyte 80.02805000000001 75.5732 84.4829 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 87.7775 84.8833 90.6717 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 71.29095000000001 70.0206 72.5613 Whole plant 75.03413333333333 71.9902 78.4118 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 68.25766666666667 65.5861 72.1108 Callus 14.2349 14.2349 14.2349 Differentiating Callus 28.3714 25.4905 31.7218 Proliferating Callus 30.440066666666667 27.9197 31.9098 Bulbil 10.4586 10.4586 10.4586 Leaf 31.003476153846155 2.13453 134.365 Leaf (without leaf tip) 46.02483333333333 45.29 47.0512 Leaf Tip 108.20233333333334 105.08200000000001 110.59 Root 24.1488 24.1488 24.1488 Root (without root tip) 39.550066666666666 28.7742 59.4065 Root Tip 65.80085 26.718000000000004 94.3135 Differentiated root 34.5578 20.6286 43.765 Shoot Apex 31.9199 31.9199 31.9199 Shoot 5.90053 4.89396 6.595439999999999 Shoot Tip 124.60033333333332 119.85799999999999 131.24 Vegetative Frond 54.1269 54.1269 54.1269 Frond 11.242485555555556 3.6717400000000002 28.1883