condition	mean	min	max
Gametophyte	6.69303	4.52559	9.28417
Male Gametophyte	13.1032	10.6368	14.5313
Hermaphrodite Gametophyte	17.507655555555555	11.56	23.4345
Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3	10.517766666666667	9.0251	11.3185
Sporophyte	1.6839	1.6839	1.6839
Seedling, sporophyte	12.566500000000001	12.4808	12.6522
Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment	10.464	10.0555	10.8725
Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment	19.66955	19.5637	19.7754
Whole plant	15.585433333333333	14.2193	17.5491
Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin	14.0567	14.0025	14.1184
Callus	1.0612700000000002	1.0612700000000002	1.0612700000000002
Differentiating Callus	4.60096	3.6709099999999997	5.90079
Proliferating Callus	4.719956666666667	3.59283	6.49241
Bulbil	6.88963	6.88963	6.88963
Leaf	12.644012615384616	0.994442	26.3959
Leaf (without leaf tip)	15.356033333333333	14.3444	15.9072
Leaf Tip	2.0060266666666666	1.6843	2.2254400000000003
Root	5.38813	5.38813	5.38813
Root (without root tip)	22.422	19.552	23.9692
Root Tip	9.165478333333333	4.203069999999999	13.8577
Differentiated root	21.877	17.9757	24.4942
Shoot Apex	7.198360000000001	7.198360000000001	7.198360000000001
Shoot	8.998463333333333	8.473460000000001	9.429089999999999
Shoot Tip	3.0915933333333334	2.96734	3.18361
Vegetative Frond	8.61464	8.61464	8.61464
Frond	27.476466666666667	16.5594	42.5486