condition mean min max Gametophyte 726.7076666666667 501.284 1021.5 Male Gametophyte 753.9323333333333 743.735 768.352 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 385.1814444444445 323.098 469.779 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 748.37 663.328 897.562 Sporophyte 1574.76 1574.76 1574.76 Seedling, sporophyte 200.132 199.454 200.81 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 266.962 260.645 273.279 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 398.966 387.542 410.39 Whole plant 339.579 289.23900000000003 366.769 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 311.427 301.83 325.723 Callus 797.493 797.493 797.493 Differentiating Callus 1119.7326666666668 779.438 1322.68 Proliferating Callus 827.1136666666666 616.4259999999999 1091.48 Bulbil 86.0234 86.0234 86.0234 Leaf 208.37259 1.71155 2409.55 Leaf (without leaf tip) 56.34896666666667 54.2006 59.0995 Leaf Tip 1563.7866666666666 1543.94 1574.67 Root 100.945 100.945 100.945 Root (without root tip) 66.73633333333333 61.4314 75.0424 Root Tip 739.5703333333333 654.266 888.062 Differentiated root 109.27366666666666 102.678 119.654 Shoot Apex 853.7610000000001 853.7610000000001 853.7610000000001 Shoot 150.973 139.851 160.02700000000002 Shoot Tip 1464.4966666666667 1422.0 1536.42 Vegetative Frond 210.157 210.157 210.157 Frond 36.29856296296296 26.24 49.0276