condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.6636723333333334 0.6537069999999999 3.0266 Male Gametophyte 7.241296666666667 5.23988 8.54749 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 10.034417777777778 7.73596 11.1738 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 3.808863333333333 3.2516 4.488519999999999 Sporophyte 8.94639 8.94639 8.94639 Seedling, sporophyte 13.3189 13.2844 13.3534 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 16.06235 15.458 16.6667 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 14.424199999999999 13.8993 14.9491 Whole plant 15.291966666666665 14.8014 16.2719 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 16.130533333333332 15.8978 16.3573 Callus 0.477566 0.477566 0.477566 Differentiating Callus 3.5034233333333336 2.52789 4.01726 Proliferating Callus 2.7312166666666666 2.39083 3.00774 Bulbil 3.6053300000000004 3.6053300000000004 3.6053300000000004 Leaf 8.064085871794871 0.0 22.1801 Leaf (without leaf tip) 11.907733333333333 10.807 12.9984 Leaf Tip 8.414856666666665 7.33702 8.959019999999999 Root 12.0174 12.0174 12.0174 Root (without root tip) 16.876 15.7041 18.9444 Root Tip 10.628841666666666 6.06345 14.6078 Differentiated root 11.651 8.7341 15.0268 Shoot Apex 5.09851 5.09851 5.09851 Shoot 4.5884599999999995 4.08259 5.12911 Shoot Tip 5.44834 5.41763 5.49825 Vegetative Frond 3.83379 3.83379 3.83379 Frond 6.041455555555555 2.39531 12.1916