condition mean min max Gametophyte 3.914683333333333 2.41286 5.43942 Male Gametophyte 18.6461 17.5893 19.5145 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 45.428066666666666 34.3277 53.3578 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 6.703473333333333 6.521 6.962439999999999 Sporophyte 13.7448 13.7448 13.7448 Seedling, sporophyte 18.2001 15.6693 20.7309 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 18.3771 17.5554 19.1988 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 14.1165 13.716 14.517000000000001 Whole plant 40.92413333333333 36.1864 45.0987 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 38.67563333333334 32.9787 42.4398 Callus 16.6086 16.6086 16.6086 Differentiating Callus 14.866633333333334 13.8199 16.749000000000002 Proliferating Callus 19.88886666666667 16.3378 23.7432 Bulbil 3.09468 3.09468 3.09468 Leaf 19.857269692307693 0.111472 116.976 Leaf (without leaf tip) 13.620766666666666 11.8549 16.2972 Leaf Tip 13.713966666666666 12.3487 15.0451 Root 7.887639999999999 7.887639999999999 7.887639999999999 Root (without root tip) 53.309799999999996 48.5744 60.1883 Root Tip 13.247383333333334 6.264959999999999 18.8075 Differentiated root 47.66506666666667 45.1444 51.3891 Shoot Apex 19.3595 19.3595 19.3595 Shoot 38.565400000000004 27.9899 45.8053 Shoot Tip 16.403166666666667 14.0738 18.4876 Vegetative Frond 20.908 20.908 20.908 Frond 22.9617 13.6533 34.8871